Lomonosov Moscow State University branch now in Dubna

Education, 11 March 2022

On 11 March, a joint meeting of JINR Working Group on interaction with MSU, the branch management, and Dubna departments of the Faculty of Physics of MSU was held in Dubna. Director of JINR Grigory Trubnikov headed the JINR party at the meeting. Participants discussed in detail the branch preparation for the first students’ admission, the development of educational programmes, as well as measures of additional financial support for students.

A current structural division of Skobeltsyn Institute of Nuclear Physics of MSU and two departments of the MSU Faculty of Physics in Dubna were the basis for the branch. In the future, they plan to expand the range of areas in cooperation with the Faculties of Chemistry, Biology, CMC, and other MSU faculties.

The MSU branch in Dubna has been established on the initiative of JINR. It will use the Institute’s abilities as a unique international organization in the Russian Federation to establish contacts and use scientific results and best educational practices through interaction with foreign partners, participation in international projects to train personnel for fundamental research in the JINR Member States.

The total number of students and postgraduates of the branch studying in Dubna can reach from 80 to 160 people. Professor, RAS Corresponding Member Eduard Boos has been appointed the Director of the branch. Professor, Doctor of Physics and Mathematics Alexander Olshevskiy has become his Deputy.

On 28 February 2022, the Russian Government adopted a regulation on introduction of amendments into the charter of Lomonosov Moscow State University. According to it, the MSU branch was established.